15% Solutions

Instead of fully solving a problem, learn how to make it a little better — like 15% — in small, independently-schedulable increments.

The Story

A code example:

  • Integration bugs because SetDisplayFont writes to a DB and service API.

A process example:

  • Production-only bugs due to manual deploy done by 4 Ops people.

Visual Model

15%Less LikelyLess DamageEasier to DetectEasier to Recoverororor

When Has That Applied to You?

  • When are times when you saw a way to make things better without solving it?
  • When was there an important item that you couldn’t get permission to solve?
  • When was there an important item that needed more than 1 hour to solve — and it was not reasonable to just do an hour and then walk away?

The Change

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